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Best Companion Plants For Onions

Title:Best Companion Plants for Onions


Onions are a staple in many gardens, and for good reason. They're easy to grow, versatile, and delicious. But did you know that you can improve your onion harvest by planting them with certain companion plants?

Companion planting is the practice of planting different types of plants together in order to benefit each other. Some plants attract beneficial insects, while others repel pests. Some improve the soil quality, while others help to shade or protect their neighbors.

When it comes to onions, there are a number of companion plants that can help you grow a healthy, bountiful crop. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the best companion plants for onions, and explain how they can benefit each other.

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Carrots and onions are a classic companion plant combination. Carrots help to repel the carrot fly, which is a major pest of carrots. Onions, on the other hand, help to repel the onion fly, which can damage onions.


Onions are also good companion plants for cabbage and other members of the Brassica family. These plants all have similar nutrient needs, and they can help to repel each other's pests. For example, onions can help to repel the cabbage looper, which is a major pest of cabbage.


Chamomile is a flowering herb that is often used in companion planting. It has a strong scent that helps to repel pests, including onion flies and aphids. Chamomile can also help to improve the soil quality, making it more hospitable to onions.


Other herbs that make good companion plants for onions include dill, mint, and parsley. These herbs all have strong scents that help to repel pests. They can also help to attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and hoverflies, which can help to control pests.


Legumes, such as peas and beans, are nitrogen-fixing plants. This means that they can add nitrogen to the soil, which can benefit onions. Onions, on the other hand, can help to suppress weeds, which can compete with legumes for water and nutrients.


Marigolds are another flowering herb that is often used in companion planting. They have a strong scent that helps to repel pests, such as nematodes and root knot nematodes. Marigolds can also help to improve the soil quality, making it more hospitable to onions.


Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that is a good companion plant for onions. It helps to suppress weeds, which can compete with onions for water and nutrients. Spinach can also help to improve the soil quality, making it more hospitable to onions.


By planting onions with the right companion plants, you can improve your chances of growing a healthy, bountiful crop. The plants mentioned above are just a few of the many companion plants that can benefit onions. When choosing companion plants, it's important to consider the needs of both plants. For example, you'll want to make sure that the companion plants have similar water and sunlight requirements. You'll also want to avoid planting onions with plants that are susceptible to the same pests.

With a little planning, you can use companion planting to create a thriving garden where all of your plants can benefit from each other.

  • Chamomile: Chamomile can help to improve the flavor of onions and also repel pests.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce can help to suppress weeds and improve the drainage of soil around onions.
  • Melons: Melons can help to attract beneficial insects that prey on pests that target onions.
  • Peppers: Peppers can help to repel pests that target onions.
  • Spinach: Spinach can help to improve the nitrogen content of soil around onions.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes can help to repel pests that target onions.

To learn more about good companion plants for onions, please visit Home Gardening.

FAQ of good companion plants for onions

  • What are some good companion plants for onions?

Some of the best companion plants for onions include:

  • Brassicas: These vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale, benefit from the insect-repelling properties of onions.
  • Chamomile: This herb helps to improve the flavor of onions and also repels pests.
  • Dill: This herb helps to improve the growth of onions and also attracts beneficial insects.
  • Carrots: These vegetables help to deter the carrot rust fly, a common pest of carrots.
  • Lettuce: These leafy greens do not compete with onions for nutrients and can help to shade the soil, which can help to keep it cool and moist.
  • Melons: These fruits release chemicals that repel pests that can damage onions.
  • Mint: This herb helps to repel aphids, a common pest of onions.
  • Peppers: These vegetables benefit from the insect-repelling properties of onions.
  • Strawberries: These fruits benefit from the nitrogen-fixing properties of onions.

What are some plants that should not be planted near onions?

Some plants that should not be planted near onions include:

  • Garlic: These two plants are closely related and can cross-pollinate, which can lead to weaker plants.
  • Potatoes: These two plants can harbor the same pests and diseases, which can spread from one plant to the other.
  • Tomatoes: Onions can stunt the growth of tomatoes.

How close should onions be planted together?

The spacing between onions depends on the variety of onion being grown. For most onions, you should plant them 2 to 3 inches apart if you are growing them for green onions, or 4 to 6 inches apart if you are growing them for mature onions.

How many onions should you plant together?

The number of onions you plant together depends on the size of the variety you are growing. For small varieties, you can plant 3 to 4 onions per square foot. For larger varieties, you can plant 2 to 3 onions per square foot.

Image of good companion plants for onions

10 different images of good companion plants for onions that are free to use:

  1. Carrots. Planting onions, specifically growing spring onions, with carrots is a classic combination that many gardeners swear by. The carrots help to deter the onion fly, which is a common pest of onions. Image of Carrots and onions companion planting
  2. Cabbage. Cabbage is another good companion plant for onions. It helps to repel aphids, which can also be a problem for onions. Image of Cabbage and onions companion planting
  3. Tomatoes. Tomatoes and onions are both members of the nightshade family, and they benefit from being planted together. Tomatoes help to deter the onion maggot, which is another common pest of onions. Image of Tomatoes and onions companion planting
  4. Peppers. Peppers are also good companion plants for onions. They help to deter the onion thrips, which can damage the leaves of onions. Image of Peppers and onions companion planting
  5. Parsley. Parsley is a good companion plant for onions because it helps to repel the onion fly. It also helps to improve the flavor of the onions. Image of Parsley and onions companion planting
  6. Mint. Mint is another good companion plant for onions because it helps to repel the onion fly. It also helps to improve the drainage of the soil, which can help to prevent root rot in onions. Image of Mint and onions companion planting
  7. Chamomile. Chamomile is a good companion plant for onions because it helps to repel the onion fly. It also helps to improve the flavor of the onions. Image of Chamomile and onions companion planting
  8. Summer savory. Summer savory is a good companion plant for onions because it helps to repel the onion fly. It also helps to improve the flavor of the onions. Image of Summer savory and onions companion planting
  9. Roses. Roses and onions are both beneficial to each other. The onions help to repel aphids, which can be a problem for roses. The roses help to deter the onion fly, which can be a problem for onions. Image of Roses and onions companion planting
  10. Beans. Beans are a good companion plant for onions because they help to fix nitrogen in the soil, which can benefit the onions. Image of Beans and onions companion planting

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